(c) Tasty Minstrel Games
Used by permission |
This evening after work, Frank H., Brian G., Mike R., Keith F., and I got together and cracked open
Bamboozle Brothers Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim, artist
Joshua Cappel, publisher
Tasty Minstrel). I had played a couple of times in its two-player form but never finished a game all the way through because my wife Kathy and I just
didn't find it altogether engaging. I hoped that perhaps the game would be more fun with more players.
Most of us are fairly familiar with the usual Euro game mechanics, and we found that
Belfort is replete with those worker-placing, resource-gathering, building-constructing, area-occupying, hand-managing functions that characterize the genre. Oh, and there's elves and dwarves and gnomes. (Sure, why not?) I'd set up the game by the time the fifth of us arrived, so we launched right into rules explanation and got started. We had the occasional, "oh, I didn't know that" moments where yours truly hadn't quite explained the rules clearly (although I swear I said everything I said I said), but generally the gameplay went well.