Thursday, November 22, 2018


Since the signing of "Magnificent Marvels" in August, I had resumed posting weekly here about our design progress, about first impressions of various new and upcoming games, and especially about notes on game theory. At this point, more pressing opportunities demand my attention, so rather than continue to assemble an essay every Monday, I intend to shift my focus to other avenues of board game hobby exploration and creativity. I am grateful this Thanksgiving for my readers and their feedback. I will remain active on Twitter at @PaulOwenGames. Until another time when I have more to share, I wish everybody the best.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Notes on combining sequential and simultaneous moves

As part of a series of discussions on Games of Strategy, I've written here about games with sequential moves - those in which players "take turns" and each decision is made with full knowledge of the opponent's last decision - as well as games with simultaneous moves - those in which players make decisions not knowing which option an opponent has selected. Continuing our exploration of game theory, Dr. Wictz and I further discussed games that combine sequential and simultaneous moves.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Top ten games with my wife - 2018 edition

Four years ago I was inspired to identify the top ten games that my wife and I liked to play together. We've played a lot of games since then, and added a lot of games to our collection. So I thought I'd revisit this question. We found it very difficult to narrow the list down to ten; there are a dozen not listed here that we could easily have included instead.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Highest-rated out-of-print games - 2018 edition

Four years ago I identified the top five out-of-print games on boardgamegeek. Since then, a number of games have found new life as reprints, so I thought the topic worth revisiting to see what's "hot but hard to find."