Friday, August 22, 2014

Third annual-ish "What to pack for a vacation"

I like looking into which boardgames work for taking on family summer vacations.  The last time I looked at this question was July 2012.  This year we have plans to visit points of interest in southwest Virginia - the Skyline Drive, Lexington, the Natural Bridge, and Monticello.  We specifically will be leaving laptops at home.  Anticipating some quality family downtime, of course that means boardgames.

I was a little less methodical in coming up with the boardgame packing list than in previous years.  I came up with a few off the top of my head, others that I'd flagged in a list of games that my 18- and 13-year-old sons might like.  I ran the list by the family and had them cross off anything they would refuse to play.  Here's the list we ended up with:
Only the first three of these - Incan Gold, Empyrean Inc., and Martian Fluxx - appeared in the 2012 summer vacation packing list.  Battue and King of Tokyo are relatively recent acquisitions.  The rest are old resurrected favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Follow-up: We never ended up playing any of these games on our vacation. Instead, at the Books & Co., Toys Too store in Lexington, Virginia, we ended up buying Munchkin Pathfinder, largely because my kids said they would play it. And we did, on a rainy day on a coffee table in the lobby of our hotel. It was a hoot.
