Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Congress of Gamers on Sat 8 Oct

Okay, everybody, I can't help but plug my favorite little game convention, Congress of Gamers.  This event is a nice opportunity for those in the D.C. and Maryland area to have an inexpensive, friendly one-day boardgaming experience.  Hope to see you there.

Here's convention director Kaarin E.'s email:

Congress of Gamers 2011 is coming soon--from 9am to midnight on Saturday, Oct. 8, in the same location as last year:
Rockville Senior Center
1150 Carnation Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850-2043. 

Go to to register and pay online. If you would like a t-shirt, get your order in this week. A few shirts will be available at the con, but they will be limited in number and size.

We'll have many great events, including the EuroCaucus, CoG Racing Series, General Services Administration (RoboRally), Embassy from China, Transportation Department (a demonstration and game of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles), Education Department (demonstration of Dystopian Wars), De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) Tutorial, the 7th Annual Washington DC-area DBA Open Tournament, and more! Take a look at the schedule at We'll also have lots of open gaming, and Games Club of Maryland (GCOM) will bring a library of games that everyone can use.

The math trade will start soon. Watch the website and Boardgame Geek Convention Forum for details. 

If you are planning to sell things at the Bring and Buy, you can download item sheets at

Our Game Table will be joining us as a vendor with great games and accessories. 

We look forward to seeing you this year!

Kaarin Engelmann
Convention Director, Congress of Gamers


  1. Whoa, this is kinda cool, especially considering Our Game Table is my local shop.

  2. That's very cool! I see Kathy S. and Randy D. from Our Game Table at almost every game convention I attend, so they're like a "traveling game store" to me.
